Exercise is the health prescription of the whole population

  1. Definition of physical activity

  The name of physical activity is derived from English physical
Activity, which has been translated as “physical activity” in the past, is defined as muscle activity that increases energy consumption. It can be understood as muscle contraction (force) work (consuming energy).This meaning first excludes the so -called “passive movement” (muscle activity but not working hard) and some qigong (lucky Dantian but muscle -free activity).Furthermore, from the perspective of promoting physical health, physical activity is not all muscle activities that increase energy consumption. Instead, you can promote heartbeat and breathing, accelerate physical metabolism in the body, and improve nerve and endocrine regulation.Therefore, “physical activity” should not be understood as activities such as moving fingers and twisted necks. Instead, it should be emphasized that the participation of large muscle groups and significant increase in energy consumption should be emphasized.Prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of diseases.Generally, daily activities such as dragging or walking, and specific physical exercise are typical physical activity.

  Note that unless there is a special explanation, the term “exercise” recommended from the perspective of health is equivalent to “physical activity”.

  2. Physical activity (exercise volume)

  The benefits of physical activity are mainly related to physical activity (exercise volume).No matter what kind of movement, it needs to reach a certain amount to have health benefits.The amount of exercise is usually described by strength (such as jogging is medium strength), time (how long each run) and frequency (how many times a week).The accurate description of the amount of exercise is very cumbersome.
“Thousands of steps” to describe physical activity.One “thousand -step equivalent” is equivalent to a medium speed (4 kilometer/h) for 10 minutes (about 1 kilometer) [energy consumption is about 0.5 kcal/kg weight].For example, 3 minutes of jogging, 7 minutes of badminton, 8 minutes of medium speed climbing, 8 minutes towing floor, 15 minutes washing, and 20 minutes of finishing beds are equivalent to one “thousand steps”.

  The “Guide” recommends that the daily physical activity of healthy adults should reach 6 to 10,000 steps, which refers to the total amount of various physical activities daily.For example, a person’s medium speed walk for 20 minutes (2 “thousand steps”), 12 minutes of dragging floor (1.5 “thousand steps”), standing for 10 minutes (0.5 “thousand steps”), then hisThe total amount of physical activity is 2+1.5+0.5 = 4 “thousand steps”.

  3. Middle exercise intensity

  The exercise intensity refers to the physical or physical load of the body within the specified time, such as the speed of walking or running speed (the faster the speed, the larger the intensity).Different exercise intensity generates different physiological reactions, and the health effect is different.In the past, scientific evidence and movement guidelines both emphasized the intensity of medium exercise, and often used fast walking as a representative.Now, with the accumulation of new evidence, medium speed (4
KM/h) walking can also be used as a medium -intensity (lower limit).It is important to point out that although the guide emphasizes the benefits of medium intensity, the health benefits of “large -intensity” movements such as medium -speed running are greater, that is, it has a stronger promotion effect on respiratory, circulatory systems and metabolism.Of course, “big intensity” does not mean the limits that the body can withstand, but that the individual strength is moving.

  In fact, “medium intensity” is a concept that varies from person to person (see my blog post -the physical activity recommended by the World Health Organization), it is not easy to accurately describe it.Most specialized physical activities are medium -intensity, such as fast walking, dancing, housework, sports projects, certain physical labor, etc.

  4. Aerobic exercise

  The main basis for distinguishing between aerobic exercise and anaerobic exercise is the source of energy in exercise.The former mainly relies on the three carboxylic acid cycles to provide energy, and the latter mainly relies on the original system of phosphate system and sugar to provide energy.This kind of professional statement can be simply described: the exercise with a long exercise time and a large increase in oxygen consumption is aerobic exercise, such as walking, jogging, swimming, ball, dragging floor, etc.Exercise is limited by power or oxygen supply), and the increasing increase in oxygen consumption is anaerobic exercise, such as weightlifting, sprint running, tensile equipment, and boarding stairs.In daily life, we are performing aerobic exercises such as walking every day. At the same time, we cannot do without anaerobic exercise like climbing stairs.

  The health benefits of aerobic exercise, such as weight loss, enhanced cardiopulmonary function, and promoting metabolism, have long been proven.The “Guide” recommends that there should be at least 4 to 6 thousand -step equivalent of medium -strength aerobic exercise daily.

  In terms of health benefits, aerobic exercise is simply synonymous with exercise (physical activity), but it cannot deny the health value of anaerobic exercise.Oxygen exercise can promote muscle health more effectively.The muscle affects the body’s metabolic function, and is related to metabolic syndrome, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, development and prognosis.Exercise muscles can also help prevent or relieve aging muscle atrophy.In a word, muscles have important health value.

  One type of exercise is mainly based on joint flexibility exercises, such as some yoga.At present, the academic community has affirmed the role of aerobic exercise and muscle strength exercises, but it has not determined that joint flexibility exercises have the effects of preventing chronic diseases and premature death, although this kind of exercise is now very popular.The rough principle is that the joint activities are mainly joint activities, no major muscle group participation, and unable to achieve medium intensity. The health benefits are very limited.However, it cannot be said that they have no effect at all. Some joint activities are simple and easy to improve. It has a significant improvement in the symptoms of joint stiffness produced by sedentary or other static activities.Note that most studies have not confirmed its prevention and treatment of joint diseases, but it helps to maintain and improve joint functions, which is of unique significance for the elderly.

  5. Walking on force

  Many people are keen to discuss the “side effects” of exercise, such as causing acute cardiovascular incidents (sudden exercise), sports trauma, joint injury, etc., “over -exercise”, “air pollution cannot move” and other claims.

  In fact, the actual incidence of sudden exercise dying is about one -hundred -thousand -inch, and regular exercise can significantly reduce the total incidence of cardiovascular events, so the profit is greater than the disadvantages.

  Joint injury or sports trauma is mainly found in two situations. One is that people who have never moved their hearts and run madly (or other sports); second, professional athletes are the first.For those who decide to start exercise, the changes in the amount of exercise should be gradually advanced to give the body a adaptation process.For example, only 5 minutes on the first day, increased to 10 minutes after running one week, 15 minutes a week, and 30 minutes a month.The soreness and injuries caused by the sudden and large amount of exercise can make you mistakenly think that you cannot complete the exercise.In fact, you can have completed the exercise step by step!

  For ordinary people (non -athletes), as long as you master exercise technology, step by step, do not want to do it, there is no excessive exercise problem.

  In short, adults, children, pregnant women, breasts, nurses, elderly people, and even chronic diseases are suitable for exercise, “exercise is a health prescription for the whole population.”

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