The theme press conference of "Education and Strong Country Construction of Jiangsu" (Xuzhou Specialty) was held

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On April 25, the theme press conference of the “Education Strong Country Construction of Jiangsu in Action” (Xuzhou special session) was held in Xuzhou.Shi Qihong, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of Xuzhou Education Bureau, made a comprehensive release, which mainly introduced the innovative practice and outstanding results of Xuzhou’s high -quality development of labor education, and the work deployment of the next stage.Look at it together-

The Xuzhou Education Bureau has always taken the cultivation of socialist builders and successors who cultivate comprehensive development as the fundamental point of all work, deepen the “five education integration” of morality, intellectual, physical and labor, and adhere to the combination of education and teaching with production labor and social practice.Comprehensively promote labor education.We include labor education into the entire process of training in primary and secondary schools, running through all aspects of schools, families, and society, focusing on cultivating students’ labor skills and labor spirit, and promoting the comprehensive development and healthy growth of students.In the process of promoting, a large number of typical cases such as Xu Hai Road Kindergarten have also emerged, providing a large number of practical models for the implementation of labor education to the implementation of the implementation of labor education, and continuously enriching the labor education model and connotation.

1. Strengthen the mechanism and improve the design of the labor education system.The first is the overall design promotion plan.Around 2020, the country and province have successively introduced the work opinions of comprehensive promotion of labor education, and provided top -level design for the implementation of labor education.In 2022, the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government issued the “Implementation Plan on Comprehensively Strengthening Labor Education in Primary and Middle Schools in the New Era”.The list is required to integrate the power norms of all parties and strengthen the school’s labor education, and realize the city’s labor education from multi -point exploration to overall planning and system implementation.The second is to refine the implementation of departmental responsibilities.The Municipal Education Bureau conscientiously implemented the deployment of the municipal party committee and municipal government, and in accordance with the work, the “Notice on Promoting the Primary and Middle School Labor Education Work in the New Era of the City in the New Era” is actually formulated.Construction, teacher equipment, and course implementation, etc., form a good pattern of grasping co -management and working together.At the same time, labor education is included in the city’s education work points, and key tasks will be decomposed to all parts of the institutions.

Second, consolidate the main positions and deepen the implementation of labor education courses.The first is to open the national courses.In recent years, the country has successively introduced the course planning plan to gradually realize the independent department of labor education.The Municipal Education Bureau conscientiously implements the national curriculum plan, strictly incorporate labor education into curriculum management, and ensure that labor courses do not be less than 1 hour every week.The Municipal Education Bureau regularly conducts supervision and inspection to ensure that all universities in various places will start courses.All schools in the city compact the responsibility of labor education, give full play to the leading role of the school, carefully implement the requirements of the curriculum plan, guide students to form the correct labor values through high -quality classroom teaching, and systematically learn the necessary labor skills.The second is to optimize and improve the quality of curriculum.Uniformly formulate a list of labor tasks of primary and secondary school students in the city, highlight the focus of labor education, and scientifically design labor programs.Primary schools pay attention to labor enlightenment and habit development. Junior high school focuses on increasing labor knowledge and skills, initially developing hard work, hard work, and professional consciousness.Fengxian Huankou Middle School and Xuzhou New City Experimental School were built into the Jiangsu Labor Course Base. 256 schools in the city combined with the actual situation of the school and used the resource advantages to create a labor education school courses and courses.Waiting for labor practice.The third is to give play to the evaluation -oriented function.The city’s exploring the comprehensive quality evaluation of students in the province started earlier. In 2018, the research on the pilot project of the comprehensive quality evaluation of the Ministry of Education was responsible for the research of the comprehensive quality evaluation of the Ministry of Education.In recent years, our city has always been committed to deepening evaluation reform as the starting point, improving the quality and efficiency of labor education, and establishing an evaluation system based on school education, family education and social practice.Diverse and multi -dimensional evaluation systems, comprehensively examine the concept of labor attitude and level of labor skills, play a role of incentive guidance, and have received good results.The fourth is to organize theme practice activities.The Municipal Education Bureau and the Municipal Civilization Office took the theme of “Labor Casting Dreams and Struggling to Create the Future”, organized a series of practical activities for labor education education in primary and secondary schools in Xuzhou City.The topics such as nutrition, traditional craftsmanship, new technology experience and application, showing the results of labor and sharing labor sensing in graphic and video forms.

3. Strengthen training and strengthen the team of labor education teachers.The first is to strengthen the equipment of labor teachers.Xuzhou primary and secondary schools are equipped with comprehensive practice activities in accordance with the provincial standards, and established a team of instructors who are part -time and relatively stable and relatively stable.At present, primary and secondary schools in the city are equipped with specialized workers. All other teachers from various disciplines are involved. At the same time, more than 600 social professionals are hired to work part -time work for division of labor.Equipped with 24 part -time comprehensive practical activities, and instructed schools to carry out labor education.The second is to improve the professional level of teachers.Implement the business capacity improvement project of labor education teachers, actively carry out curriculum teaching research, organize the city’s basic skills competition for labor and technical teachers in primary and secondary schools in the city each year. Teachers will conduct city -level competitions around the three links of “teaching design, courseware production, simulation teaching”.Excellent teachers participated in the province’s labor and technical excellent lesson evaluation activities and achieved good results.In March 2023, the province’s backbone teacher training activities were held. Nearly a hundred labor education experts and backbone teachers in the province gathered in Xuzhou to discuss issues such as the construction of the labor curriculum system and the integration of educational resources.

4. Depending on school conditions, expand outside the resources of labor education.The first is to build a practical base.The city has created 10 quality education and labor practice bases in primary and secondary schools. The total scale can accommodate more than 10,000 people to participate in labor practice.Create 125 off -school education bases after school, which contains rich labor practice activities.In 2021, more than 20 special classrooms including the social practice base of Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province, a special classroom of more than 20 special classrooms including the cooking workshop and the Ecological Agricultural Experience Center, and several “non -heritage such as the production of Mazhuang Xiangbao and the traditional brewing of Wantong and the traditional brewing of Wantong, the traditional brewing of Wantong brewed”The” Chinese Lao Zee “Labor Education Featured Project received more than 10,000 primary and secondary school students in the city to participate in labor practice each year.Xuzhou Minor Social Practice Base, Fengxian Zhijian Elementary and Middle School Labor Practice Base, and Suining County Squirrel Kaka Labor Education Base was rated as “Excellent Base for Labor Education and Comprehensive Practice of Elementary and Middle School in Jiangsu Province” by the Provincial Department of Education.The second is to actively integrate local resources.Xuzhou has rich industrial resources and distinctive characteristics, providing good conditions for the implementation of labor education.We tried to rely on the advantages of local characteristic industries to expand labor education resources, and cooperated with XCMG Group to carry out the “future scientists” industrial research tour activities, invited students to visit intelligent production workshops, personally participate in equipment operations, and experience the charm of craftsmanship and Chinese manufacturing.At the same time, the “Great Power Craftsman Entry Campus” activity was launched, and 11 artisans were invited to enter the campus, enter the classroom to carry out labor training, and publicize the spirit of craftsmen and the dream of a strong country.The third is to solidly carry out home -school education.Implementing the “Pengcheng Good Mom and Mom” growth project, relying on the “Hanfeng” Pengcheng Good Mom Platform and other new media to issue rich family labor education courses to help parents understand the method of labor and education, advocate parents to lead their children to actively participate in the housework that can be actively participated in the housework.Labor and develop good labor habits.

Fifth, encourage development and innovation, and cultivate highlights of labor education.The first is the typical model of the tree school.In order to motivate schools to carry out labor education high -quality, the Municipal Education Bureau selects 20 outstanding schools for labor education each year to give full play to the leading role of excellent school demonstrations, highlight the highlights of characteristics, and stimulate the new path of the city’s schools to explore and optimize the implementation of labor education.Methods to improve the level of labor education in schools in the city.Five schools including Xuzhou New City Experimental School have been rated as “Jiangsu Provincial Primary and Middle School Labor Education Featured School”.The second is to explore project advancement.The Municipal Education Bureau establishes the outlook on labor and education, finds the combination of labor and moral education, relying on the basic education connotation of primary and secondary school students to improve the project, and promote the implementation of the school’s originalization and characteristics of labor education, and actively build school brands.Xuzhou Xianghe Elementary School “The Construction of the Practical System of the New Farmers” of children’s labor character, Xuzhou Wang Jie Elementary School “” Sweeping Copper Capital “Children’s Life Experience the Construction and Implementation and Implementation of Moral Education Practice”Items stimulate the enthusiasm of the school to explore individualized labor education.The third is to encourage independent innovation.Recently, Xuhai Road Kindergarten organizes children to carry out daily life and has received widespread attention from the media and all walks of life. There are many similar typicals in our city.EssenceJiawang District organically integrated labor education and life education, and tapped life education resources by carried out labor practice such as elderly care, and guided students to respect life and cherish life.Puzhou City formulated the “Elementary and Middle School Labor Course Construction Plan” to penetrate labor education in other discipline teaching and achieve curriculum education.The Xuzhou New City Experimental School established the “Junior Agricultural College” to set up agricultural planting bases, industrial disassembly and exploration rooms, and carry out rich labor practice activities.The Central Primary School of Heqiao Town, Tongshan District signed a contract with Xuzhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences and Xinnong Rural Revitalization Research Institute to jointly build a post -school service education base and carry out agricultural research activities.Fengxian Zhaozhuang Liuji Primary School has played the advantages of rural primary schools to develop school -based courses such as “garlic courses” and “soybean course”, which truly combines classroom teaching with production practice.

In the next step, the Xuzhou Education Bureau will continue to promote the work and education of schools in the city, actively give play to the new highlights of local advantageous resources to cultivate labor education, strive to tap the value of labor and education, deepen the integration of five education, promote the comprehensive development of students, grow talents,Modernization of Xuzhou’s new practice provides solid talent support.

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