Businessman Ma Dong: Misunderstanding is the fate of the expression

  How can a host of CCTV be open?

    Wearing a Scottish skirt, Grandpa KFC, and cutting bags, these things have done these things.

But these are basically on the Internet, and he will hardly see him put on his color in his life.On the day of the interview, Ma Dong wore a dark blue T -shirt with a logo of Miwei Media.Obviously, Mi, which was established less than two years, still needs to strengthen the founder “Madong”.

  In the past year, Ma Dong felt that the company was “no longer imagined by Mi”. It experienced moving, expanding, and walking through some detours, and now it is still exploring the content of content.

  Since three years ago, he started to do “The Story of Qi Qi”. Ma Dong, 48, has not only mastered new skills to talk to young people, but also has completed another conversion of the role of life.From CCTV, iQiyi to Miwei, one Ma Dong, two Madong, and three Madong, each can be placed in containers of different shapes.The body was soft, but he took the initiative to pinch himself into various appearances.

  Today, he is no longer inclined to evaluate himself, nor does he care about the outside world. “Misunderstanding is the fate of the expression, this is the norm of the world.”


  When Mi did not launch the “Temptation of Dinner” in September 2016, no one expected that it would accidentally bring a long -awaited werewolf kill game.

  The show was hatched from Mi Wei. Mi Wei co -founder and CCO Mu Mu still remembered that during that time, a colleague started to play with everyone in the company to play with werewolf killing. Every time, many people could attract many people to watch.

  The purpose of “watching guests” is different. Some are to guess who is lying with players and confirm whether their guess and results are consistent; some people watch the performance, the picture is cheerful; some people are for logical reasoning, analyze the real behind the role of the character,Identity, but everyone who watches can find fun.

  When playing, Mu Yan and colleagues began to ponder. Can you make this game a show?

  But you can’t directly move the game like this, you have to add some entertainment elements.You can talk about the star gossip. When you play, you can match the lights, dance beauty, and background music, and the entertainment and atmosphere are created at once.From the idea to the landing, the last presentation in “The Temptation of Dinner” is: Ma Dong and Hou Peizen take the celebrity guests to eat, talk gossip, lie, and play with werewolf killing.

  Mu Yan knew that the werewolf killing was not a new thing, but it was a test of Mi Wei because of the werewolf killing.The logic lies in: “Choose the soul of a thing, give it all what you are good at, re -arrange it, and graft it with entertainment, and eventually become a new entertainment product, which can spread more popular.”It became.

  In September last year, “The Temptation of Diet” was broadcast on Tencent Video. Various werewolf killing APPs came out. Ma Dong didn’t move any thoughts at the time. Later, he found that these apps “” The Temptation of Meal “was the same., I didn’t go too much, until more and more “same models” appeared, Ma Dong felt that something had to do.

  After understanding the popularity and data of the werewolf killing on the market, Ma Dong judged that this is equivalent to the social tools of strangers, either cooperate with others or come by himself.At that time, many technical teams had lined up to talk about cooperation, and talked about Ma Dong and decided to do it by themselves.

  They found a Guangzhou entrepreneurial team, and the other party had made 10 million -day live products in YY. It has experience in live broadcasting and interactive sounds and videos. Later, this technical team became a department below Mi Wei.In May of this year, the “Wolf Kill of Diet” APP was officially launched.

  Different from other companies, Mi Wei’s content logic is “children want to give birth by themselves and raise themselves.”Mu Yan believes that “Mi will not be entrusted to others to others. It must be produced by ourselves. For example, we will find a good team to hatch. Mi Wei produces and invests is our ALL in product.”In this process, as the chief content officer, Mu Yan’s positioning of himself was “not the best screenwriter, nor the best debaters and singers, but the organizer of the entertainment system.”

  First of all, find the right person, and then set up a team. From “The Story of the Wonderful” to “The Temptation of Meals”, Mi Wei is operating according to this system.Mu Yan believes that the core lies in, “Find the right dish first, then know the heat, salinity, what kind of materials, and then fry together.”


  Ma Dong gave Mi Wei, and the conclusion was “good luck.””We went to make a breakthrough in the net comprehensive at a suitable time point.”

  But in the past two years, Mi Wei has also dropped in the pit.At that time, because of the popularity of “The Story of Qi Qi”, all platforms extended olive branches to them.”When the market conditions are so good, if you keep a contraction state, then you live up to the time point.”

  For such considerations, Ma Dong chose to expand.In -depth content with each video platform, iQiyi’s “The Story of Qi Qi”, Youku’s “Bye Bye Patrores”, “Black and White Planet” tailored for Ma Weiwei, and Tencent’s “The Temptation of Meals”.

  However, after that, the entire network comprehensive market ushered in the situation of the outbreak of the program and the contraction of advertising budgets.Inside the company, several newly launched programs are not ideal, and there are no explosions such as “The Story of Qi Qi”.Even Mi Wei ’s official WeChat account has published an article entitled“ Carefulness on “Black and White Planets”: Please give us another chance. “

  The founding team began to be anxious: Can the two directors of the two content groups have four programs at the same time?Is the growth rate beyond the boundary that the team can withstand?

  After the three people reflected, they decided to change their strategy.Mu Yan did not deny that after the “Story of Qi Qi”, the team’s mentality changed. “Even if you tell yourself every day, don’t make so much money, do not develop horizontally, but you will not consciously promote yourself that I can say that I can,My team is so big. Do two shows to do and do four. “

  Until today, “Black and White Planet”, Mu Yan still believes that the content is very good.Become a passive program that can only go forward. “Standing on the perspective of advertisers and users,” Black and White Planet “has reached the expected goal, but Mou knows how difficult the team is doing,” there are a lot of insistence to do it to do itthe elements of.”

  Mi Wei is still planning the content of other artists’ self -media content, but it has changed its strategy and left enough time for the new show to grow until it can bear the business pressure that matches it. Before that, Mi Wei decided to raise it himself., Do not accept the advertiser’s money.

  As a manager, Ma Dong also felt a little bit of hands at the end of last year, but the real problem in his eyes was that “After trying different types of programs, he found that he is better at which type of type, and he is more handy.Start to accumulate again. “

  Ma Dong did not think that the team had experienced out of control at the time, but was it necessary to abandon his advantageous projects and high efficiency.”From a business perspective, the starting point is efficiency. From the perspective of content, there is only one standard, that is, good or bad.”

  After walking around, Mi Wei only retained the two programs of “The Story of the Wonder” and “The Temptation of the Dinner”, and gave up other programs with low efficiency and profit margins.Because if the team obtains profits through the expansion, it is impossible to create explosive models.

  Mu Yan believes that Mi Wei has firmly did not make horizontal development, and only made the business logic of vertical depth, such as “The Story of Qi Qi”. In addition to earning programs and artists’ money, derivatives will also be launched.The official public account of Miwei has 1.5 million users. How to do its best to tap its commercial value is also one of the directions for Miwei to commercialize.


  The number of employees is less than 200, and the valuation is 2 billion.Ma Dong hopes that Mi has not done a small company.The original intention is that Mi is not a content company and not a platform company.”The entrepreneurial path of the content company is to make money in the early days of establishment. The core is to increase the profit margin as much as possible.” Another reason is that the company is large, and the management cost is increased geometrically. To this endThings cannot be touched.

  The three founders set Mi Wei’s values ​​as “don’t lie to others, don’t lie to themselves.”Do not lie to others are the guidelines for customers and users. Ma Dong understands people who do content. Especially people who have done successful content are easy to be very arrogant.”” “

  It is even more difficult to “not lie to himself”. He hopes that colleagues can always be self -mentioned. People who do content sometimes say that “I have tried their best”, but they are actually escaping.”Tearing is Miwei internal culture, but the foundation is not to deceive each other.”

  He believes that the content company is a congenital differentiated industry. If everyone wants to grow together, they must open each other, bruises all over the body, and the flesh and blood are connected together.”A program cannot be your personality. I maintain my personality. I can still be the same show after finishing.”

  Perhaps I think this metaphor is too bloody, and Ma Dong added: “I just described this,” but he went on to say, “The essence is the same.”

  After CCTV came out, Ma Dong claimed to be standing with young people. He described himself that he was almost “shameless” to integrate into the young people.”No one in this company takes me as a person, and everyone can treat me very much.” He felt that it was good, it was the feeling he pursued and wanted.

  I have never heard which CEO puts his body so low like Ma Dong. He is willing to “put himself in different utensils and show different appearances.” If Ma Dong is good -looking and bullied, he still looks at him.He does not need to be sharp, just need principles. “There is no sharp knife in this world that has a hammer. The values ​​we set are principles. We can meet together to discuss one thing in any form, but we have made a decision.No one can do it. “When he was a Spring Festival Gala director at CCTV, Ma Dong performed his sharp side, but now he knows how to control the boss.

  When the company moved, he transferred a word written by his father Ma Ji to the conference room, saying “thick soil is easy to plant, people are thick and easy to deal with”.Ma Dong explained that the reason why he likes this word is “especially reflecting his father’s life. This is what he follows. Lost and kindness is his criterion for life.”

  But Ma Dong is not the same. He is pursuing a sense of balance.Regardless of whether to do a program or a company, he knows where his boundary is.

  Ma Dong did not treat himself as an entrepreneur. He believed that he had done Mi Wei with Mu Yan and Liu Yan.”As a host, I listened to the director and producer; as the CEO, I went to complete my duties. Ma Dong is only Mi Wei’s symbol, and the team is the company’s core.”

  After doing more than 20 years of content, Ma Dong believes that he has experienced three particularly good teams.The first is the program group of “There is something to say” in Hunan Satellite TV in 1999. Twelve members are college students recruited from the society. They have no one to learn. They have not learned TV directors. Ma Dong worked with them for two years.

  The second team is the “Challenge Moderator” in 2005. Ma Dong is the producer of the show. He and the team have a high tacit understanding and know what kind of content to do, but the market and business environment at that time were not mature.”I know there are two very good opportunities, but there is no chance to work with them in a more effective organizational way.” Ma Dong recalled.

  The third time is the current team, the market and business environment are mature. The important thing is that the values ​​of each other are consistent. Ma Dong cherishes that he is lucky and encountered a suitable team when he wants to do things.

  He also thought that he would “go to Ma Donghua” in the future, but now the cost is too high.”I still feel that there is Ma Dong in today, and the content is better. When you do n’t need Ma Dong, you can sell more money, or when Ma Dong does n’t have so much money, he will go to Ma Donghua.”


  In the opinion of Ma Dong, the network comprehensive, live broadcast, game, and advertisements are the logic of content. What is the boundary of the content in the future?

  From TV to the Internet, Ma Dong’s work has not left the content, and it is the accumulation of the past that has achieved his sensitivity to the content today.In his understanding, content production itself is a process of nothing.From scratch, to the sperm, pushing to the market, and finally getting feedback, the entire chain is very clear.

  Ma Dong believes that good content is usually produced at the junction (border and boundary).”If there is a form is neither a web comprehensive nor the web drama, but the combination of web dramas and network comprehensives. Everyone has never seen it. In my opinion, it is a good thing. Whether it is successful, it depends on the producer’s producerlevel.”

  One of his recent views is “the content is sea water, not the coast.”For those who do content, it is not important to work hard to become seawater and to build which coast.In other words, Mi Wei only needs to be responsible for doing well, what form grows, and how the outside world is classified. This is not important.

  Many people asked him, “What about Mi Wei did a game of” Lunch Wolf Kill “?” Ma Dong believes that there is nothing wrong with it.Looking at the relationship between the people in each room, it can also be said to be content.Ma Dong now strives not to let himself stand on the coast to see the sea, but jumps into the sea as much as possible.

  In addition to exploring the boundaries, Mi Wei is still maintaining the advantages of the head content.

  The advertising revenue in the fourth quarter of “The Story of Qi Qi” is nearly 400 million yuan, which has made Mi Wei’s co -founder and CMO Liu Yan’s pressure.Every time she asked herself: “Can we do differently?” From the first season of “The Story of Strange” to the present season, the attitude of advertisers has changed 180 degrees to Mi Wei.The most sentence is, “You know more about young people than us”, she teased, “sincerity and fear, after all, all three co -founders are no longer young.”

  The young people of the pulse are Mi Wei in the eyes of the advertisers. “The show has a tone, knowing what young people like, and spreading values.” Liu Yan believes that this is the characteristic of Mi Wei’s content.Therefore, the advertisers have their own demands, some emphasize exposure, some look at fancy advertisements, and some care about spreading effects, which requires the two parties to continue to run in.

  In the second season of “The Story of Qi Qi”, there is a car brand advertiser: Dongfeng Peugeot 308s.At first, Liu Yan didn’t want to understand where the two sides fit. After all, the target group of the show had not yet arrived at the age of buying a car.A word of the advertiser woke her, “I hope to spread the youthful temperament of the brand.”The reason for the reason to convey the youthfulness through this platform is their demand. “

  In the fourth quarter of “The Story of Qi Qi”, Lei Jun was invited to participate in the show. Xiaomi was also a seasonal championship with a title fee of 180 million.The original intention of the invitation was that Liu Yan thought that Mi Wei and Lei Jun had something in common. “Lei Jun is also a soul singer,” she said with a smile.But the follow -up of Lei Jun’s reaction surprised her a little. “He even joked that” The Story of Qi Qi “changed his life,” Liu Yan didn’t know what was behind Lei Jun’s phrase, but what moved her was that “Qi Qi said》 It’s just a variety entertainment show, but accidentally brought people thinking.

  In May this year, Xiaomi held a Xiaomi Max 2 conference. Unlike in the past, the conference invited entrepreneurs such as Luo Zhenyu and Ma Dong on the same day.The scene is more like a variety show recording.Liu Yan believes that Xiaomi is more recognized by variety shows, and the essence of cooperation with advertisers is the common growth of both brands.

  Before the cooperation, although Mi Wei will not promise sales to the advertisers, he will also pay attention to the development of the brand after the broadcast.Suning Tesco is the first season of the first season of “The Temptation of Dinner”. After halfway, Liu Yan found a number that surprised her.%. “Each business cooperation, Liu Yan hopes that the team can achieve 101 points. One more points is to hope that the opponent’s professionalism and intention of the team.” We hope that every time it can be a long -term cooperation, then it must bePay attention to its growth with you. “” “” “” “” “” “” “”

  Although Mi has made a lot of new attempts in the processing of content and advertising, marketing still needs to find a balance point.To this end, the company has set up some mechanisms, such as when holding a meeting with the advertiser, the director must be at the scene, and some proposals are to decide whether to do it.

  In addition to the choice of advertising, the argument of “The Story of the Wonder” and the values ​​behind them require the team to break through.Ma Dong said that the arguments are mainly divided into two categories: the moral dilemma and brain problems around him.

  For the proportion of entertainment and values, Ma Dong did not hesitate to choose the former.”Entertainment is the most important, and the values ​​are determined, not how to make decisions. Gao Xiaosong, Cai Kangyong, Ma Dong, He Yan, Luo Zhenyu, Zhang Quanling and other people make up a piece.It is determined by these people itself. “

  Regarding Mi Wei’s future, Ma Dong didn’t think too far. “I have been doing TV for 20 years, and I know that the show is a creature very early. You gave birth to it, it has its own growth trajectory. If you don’t understand this, the show of this person’s shows are all programs.”Mu Dai” Moua agreed to this view. Investors usually care about how they guarantee the launch of the next popular program as “Qi Qi”. The team thinks that it is impossible.”We don’t ask for a burst every year. Instead, in the process of growth, someone suddenly put forward an idea. Everyone was very hi, maybe it would be done.”

  For Ma Dong, the strategy of more than five years was later edited. He only needed to know that the company was experiencing, and where the major steps and Kan’er were in the future.What’s more important is that Mi is not a content company, knowing what he is doing and which direction.According to Ma Dong’s plan, Mi Wei must complete the original accumulation in the first stage and be a good content company, so as to have the possibility of continuous production of good content.

  ”If we develop along the way and our luck is good, we will encounter our bottleneck. I hope that at that time, we have completed capitalization. Through capitalization, we will transform from a content company to the media company.” Ma Dong toldreporter.

  For Ma Dong, who has stepped on the net comprehensive, content payment, and even the werewolf, he did not care about it.”First of all, you should think that what you want to do is in line with business judgment. Keeping your sensitivity to the business environment, the wind is the media, it is not important.”

  Ma Dong, who said this, is obviously a businessman.

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