Cherish the beautiful earth and protect the beautiful environment

2 min read

Peninsula All Media Reporter Zhao Lingyu Correspondent Wang Lei

On the occasion of the 55th World Earth Day, in order to continuously enhance the awareness of ecological and environmental protection and ecological civilization of young people, guide young people to establish the concept of ecological civilization of “respecting nature, conforming to nature, and protecting nature”, promote the construction of beautiful China, build people and people togetherNatural and harmonious coexistence of Earth Homeland.Recently, the Qingdao Ecological and Environment Bureau Pingdu Branch and Pingdu City Education and Sports Bureau carried out the “Entering Colorful Nature” Earth -Japanese Youth Ecological Civilization Education activities “Entering Colorful Nature”. A total of more than 60 teenagers participated.

Everyone first visited Qingdao’s environmental education base, Qingdao Wenwangshan Forest Field Co., Ltd., to receive ecological civilization education, and understand how the forest farm has changed from the gully and horizontal, weeds, and the weeds, which have become shade of green trees, strange flowers and flowers, birds and flowers.Natural oxygen with ecological balance and pleasant scenery.At present, Wenwangshan has become a city -shaped forest park that integrates ecological experience, tourist tour and natural health through the tree -planting and ecological construction of Pingdu City through tree planting and ecological construction.The urban environment, protecting biodiversity, improving local soil and water, improving the climate, and increasing urban forest coverage have a vital role in itEssence

Discovering beauty, creating beauty, and protecting beauty is an important part of this event. After visiting, everyone started outdoor ecological writing in a green space.Nature is the richest world of heaven and earth. Children choose the scene freely. Through colorful pens, oil drawing sticks, sketch paper and other methods, they retain beautiful spring and feel the natural vitality.The rapeseed flowers, the peony of fragrant, the bamboo house in the forest, the busy bees … Children, the children, and the inspiration and perception of things observed in nature through observation and exploration, and the inspiration and inspiration that are observed in nature.Through the development of activities, adolescents are encouraged to enter nature, pay attention to the nature and biological diversity around them, and stimulate the beautiful emotions of young people who love nature, protect nature, and love life.

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