The British government urged the public to prepare for food and drinking water retailers to warn: Don’t listen

2 min read
Source: Overseas Network
On February 24, 2023, a supermarket in London was snatched due to weather.(Data map)
Overseas Network, May 23rdAccording to the British “Financial Times” reported on May 22, the British government launched a new movement on the same day, urging the public to store canned food, battery and bottled water to deal with various disasters.However, retailers warn the public not to purchase goods in batches in batches.
British Deputy Prime Minister Oliver Dowden launched a website called “Emergency Preparation”, calling on British families to reserve a large number of bottled water, and urge people to buy and store “storage food that does not require cooking”, cans, cans, baby supplies, infant suppliesAnd pet food.Other emergency supplies listed in the British government also include battery or flashlights, radios, emergency boxes and wet towels.Daoriden said these measures were “wise protection measures, not simply storage.”
However, retailers try to avoid the emergence of the trend.The British supermarket adopts the “real -time” supply chain model. Fresh food cannot be stored for several days, and the supermarket does not have enough storage to store a large amount of goods.The surge in demand will promote quantitative distribution in supermarkets and chain stores, and manufacturers and distributors will also rack their brains to find ways to increase supply.(Overseas Network Hou Xingchuan)
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