When Lu Zhicheng went to the Liaoning District to investigate, he emphasized that he insisted on scientific pollution and precision pollution and pollution fisting pollution, supporting high -quality

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On June 26, Lu Zhicheng, deputy secretary of the municipal party committee and mayor, went to Liaoning District to investigate the ecological environmental protection work.He emphasized that it is necessary to thoroughly study and implement the thought of the highest leader’s ecological civilization, and properly handle the relationship between economic and social development and ecological environmental protection. In accordance with the work requirements of the Provincial Party Committee, the Provincial Government, and the Municipal Party CommitteeBattle the battle of blue sky, blue water, and pure land, and support high -quality development with high -quality ecological environment.

In the offshore sewage treatment plant in Liaoning District, Lu Zhicheng asked the operation and management of the sewage treatment process, daily treatment volume, online monitoring operation, and the quality of water quality.Improve the sewage treatment capacity and ensure stable stability discharge.He asked relevant areas and departments to compact supervision responsibilities, strengthen tracking and supervision, severely crack down on environmental violations, and fully fight water pollution control.

In Xiaozhaimen Town, Lu Zhicheng inspected the progress of the construction of the ecological environment improvement project on the spot.He requested relevant regions and departments to implement various policy funding support, scientifically organized construction, strengthened the management and control of details, strengthened service guarantees, inverted construction periods, hanging chart operations, promoted project construction at high standards, and promoted the overall improvement of regional ecological environment quality.

Lu Zhicheng emphasized in the investigation that related areas and departments–

● It is necessary to target outstanding problems in ecological environmental protection, Carry forward the spirit of the struggle, touch the real hardness, change the real change, insist on the opposite, highlight the symptoms and the cure, comprehensively systematically carry out normalized investigation and rectification, and firmly adhere to the bottom line of ecological environmental protection.

● To continue to fight pollution prevention and control, Coordinate the governance of the grass and sand systems of landscapes, forests, and lakes, promote ecological environmental protection in key areas, improve the level of environmental risk prevention and control, and continuously improve the quality of ecological environment.

● To adhere to ecological priority and green developmentIn -depth promotion of the purification and rectification work of the rural environment, improve the ability of garbage disposal and resource utilization, and build a beautiful village of ecological livable.

● We must adhere to the “party and government responsibility” and “one post and two responsibilities”, Strengthen ecological supervision and environmental law enforcement, use the most stringent system to protect the ecological environment, and accelerate the beautiful Shenyang of the construction of people and nature.

Li Gang participated.

Shen Bao All Media Reporter: Han Bing Qu Junyi

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